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Showing posts from December, 2022

A New Challenger Approaches: The Final Days of the Semester

The final days of this semester are approaching. This translates to final exams are on the way. The library is crowded these days. As someone who struggles with assignment deadlines the work I do on dead week and finals week I am in no way slowing down. Dead week has been anything but a dead week. I have been finding new ways to keeping myself focused. I enjoy tuning out and listening to music. To compromise I am listening to music while studying or writing final papers. The songs I listen to have to be mostly music only or in a different language. If they are not I might start writing the lyrics to the song instead of what I need for my paper. Another way I motivate myself to study and write my final papers is to hold off on watching the television shows or movies I want to see. For example, in a television show “Sonic X” the description of the next few episodes are that they are going to introduce my favorite character in all of the Sonic franchise, Shadow the Hedgehog. Not bein

Trying To Understand Employee Advocacy

When working on the different sections of the social media marketing simulator one of the different kinds of advertisements that were available to post on the various platforms were employee testimonies on the company’s different products. These advertisement choices confused me. Why would an employee waste their time supporting the product they are around every single day? The only reason I could think of is that the bosses of the employees offered extra pay for participating in those kinds of advertisements. Chapter 15 of “Essentials of Social Media Marketing” discussed employee advocacy. How I read it was that businesses were trying to take advantage of their employees without seeming like they were taking advantage of their employees. The statistics the textbook presented about how the company benefits from employee backed content did not seem that significant. For example Section 2 of the chapter states, “customers referred by an advocate have a 37% higher retention rate.” Addit

Social Media Influencers

A lot of creators I watch on YouTube get sponsors from time to time. They are certainly not like a big creator like Mr. Beast who dedicates two minutes of his videos to advertise a stupid child brained mobile game. The company that I have seen advertised the most is Honey and Nord VPN. Honey is basically a coupon hub and Nord VPN helps you watch videos on your devices kind of illegally. I skip over these ads as much as possible so you can understand why I am giving you such a terrible explanation. Advertising a product did not just come as a short segment in the middle of a video. One of my favorite creators made an entire video that was advertising the Google Pixel phone. He did say that his video was sponsored by the phone but that only lasted a few seconds and was in the beginning. The video he created was about analog horror and how something like it could be made in this time period with this technology and still be scary. The technology of choice was the Google Pixel phone. He sh

School Activities After Thanksgiving Break

(This was written on the Monday returning from Thanksgiving break) My Thanksgiving break was uneventful and sadly lacking in productivity. I was supposed to finished three big assignments and only got one part of one of the assignments done. My focus was on two school events I planned on participating in this week. This is my final year at ONU and I plan to leave with as little regrets as possible. The first event is on Wednesday. It is the talent show. I adore public and performative speaking. This event was the perfect time to take advantage to do the only form of public speaking I had left: stand up comedy. I am humiliated to say this is the second most daunting public speaking form I have done. The greatest and the most poor job I have done was open microphone poetry reading. I compared my abilities to my classmates here at ONU and the other older writers sitting around me. I cannot speak quickly this time. I get ten minutes. Going to a comedy club over Thanksgiving break helped