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Trying To Understand Employee Advocacy

When working on the different sections of the social media marketing simulator one of the different kinds of advertisements that were available to post on the various platforms were employee testimonies on the company’s different products. These advertisement choices confused me. Why would an employee waste their time supporting the product they are around every single day? The only reason I could think of is that the bosses of the employees offered extra pay for participating in those kinds of advertisements.

Chapter 15 of “Essentials of Social Media Marketing” discussed employee advocacy. How I read it was that businesses were trying to take advantage of their employees without seeming like they were taking advantage of their employees. The statistics the textbook presented about how the company benefits from employee backed content did not seem that significant. For example Section 2 of the chapter states, “customers referred by an advocate have a 37% higher retention rate.” Additionally throughout the chapter the textbook states that advantages for employees to be part of an advocacy team is to be seen as leaders. I feel that employees could achieve by other means that are more convenient for them based on their schedule and work load they already have in the company. Getting more money would be the only hook that would work on me to participate in something extra for the company I already work for.

This chapter explained employee advocacy in a way that was from a boss’ point of view. I personally would have preferred to see more information about how a work of employee advocacy is actually done than read sections of the chapter dedicated to strategies on how to keep the employees motivated to continue to be a part of the employee advocacy team. Maybe my reaction is from ignorance and sympathy but the simulation provided an easier understanding of employee advocacy content than Chapter 15 did.


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