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Showing posts from August, 2022

Housing: Stadium View West Apartments

The front of the Stadium View West apartments. Receiving enough academic credits gives a student the right to choose to live in an apartment, still on campus of course. With Lakeview apartments being somewhat difficult to sign up for, you might settle for Stadium View. Based on personal experience, here are some factors to consider when making your housing choice.  1. The Smell When entering the apartment building, new noses might catch an unpleasant whiff. Stepping into a room, however, smells like my most hungry dog farted for a week straight. To help, place an air freshener or exercise dulling your sense of smell.  2. The Apartment Food Plan Unlike the dorms, students who live in the apartments are not required to purchase a meal plan. Instead, students are automatically given 400 dining dollars. With these, students can purchase food from anywhere on campus. Students can still add a meal plan with the 400 dining dollars, but the meal plans still cost the same price when put on your

Differences In Social Media Usage

In chapter one of Essentials of Social Media and Marketing , there are statistics of how often smartphones and social media are used by the current generation of readers. The textbook also claims that these targeted readers are ignorant to being without smartphones and social media. On section one the textbook states, "If you are a part of Generation Z, you have likely grown up using the internet and social media and can't remember life without it." I found their claims baffling based on my upbringing.  The first somewhat personal phone I was given was in middle school, a flip phone that had a single function of calling my mother and father. The first smartphone I was given was an iPod Touch 4 starting my first year in high school. The functions on the phone were controlled by my parents. On said phone, I only had music, contacts, calling, texting, and Tetris for a game. My high school provided laptop computers, which I only saw as an extra form of homework. An iPod Touch

Who's Writing This Blog?

Hello there! My name is Kate Benedict. I'm a senior studying Writing and Multimedia Studies along with Creative Writing. In honesty, I have no idea what I want to do for a career. To lighten the pressure from others, I grabbed at the straw of video game narrative writing. I've been speaking with professionals in the industry, but my head is spinning from what is required of me to pursue that path. But, I would rather live my life with a fun job at the risk of my comfort than being secure and miserable forever.  Along with my enjoyment of writing, I also like participating in geek culture. I love attending various conventions in all different states. For the conventions, I am very careful and detailed when choosing costumes. I tend to choose characters to whom I relate to. Referring to the picture below, I am dressed as the character Shinso Hirotoshi from the animated show My Hero Academia .  Me (far left) and two friends attending Matsuricon Ohio 2022 With convention tickets co