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Showing posts from September, 2022

The Library

The Heterick Memorial Library Ohio Northern University’s Heterick Memorial Library is located in the middle campus in between the Macintosh building and the Chapel. Since this library serves a college community, its three floors offer more than just reading and checking out books. From the first to the third floor, I will take you through what the library has to offer to help students succeed. Feel free to comment below if I missed anything. The first floor of the library has the most social aspect. The Northern Lights Café, or as I like to call it “Mini Starbucks” allows you to get cozy while studying. This floor has the most booths, so it is perfect for group projects or study sessions with friends. This floor also has a computer lab along with a row of other computers on the right side of the room. Although the computers are the type that we had used in middle school, they can help if your personal computer is having some technical difficulties. Your three printers are on this flo

My Instagram Algorithm Experiences

  My Instagram home feed showing unwanted posts based on who I follow In Chapter 5 of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" Section 7 discusses the Instagram algorithm.  The Instagram algorithm is always changing. As a casual Instagram user those changes tend not to bother me. However, a fairly recent change in the algorithm has changed the interaction with creators that I follow. When it comes to my Instagram’s home page feed, the first posts to appear are not from creators that I follow. The first posts are labeled “since you liked a video from [a creator I follow]” and show posts that I am not even interested in. Some of these posts can be unpleasant and ruin my Instagram experience overall. It takes several amounts of scrolling to finally find a post from a creator I follow which includes the trouble of scrolling past advertisements. Trying to find the posts I want to see daily increases my annoyance with advertisements.  I learned from a creator that I follow that if I

Duo Authencation

The Duo app as shown on my phone Duo authentication has been an extra function to log into anything that involves an Ohio Northern University account. At first, for many months, professors were the only Ohio Northern accounts required to use Duo. Now, the task has been added for students to sign in. There have been several reasons I have heard for why Duo had to implemented for students and staff, but I feel mentioning some could be too harmful to Ohio Northern University’s reputation. Ohio Northern students and staff could discuss the inconveniences of Duo all day. Here are my personal concerns on Duo authentication. -           Security Yes, I know the whole point of Duo is for security. However, Ohio Northern University emails are often sent spam messages. Student emails have even gotten hacked without the student clicking on anything sketchy. I was surprised it took this long for the school to finally help the students’ cyber security. Since using Duo, I have gotten several s

Discovering Marketing On Facebook

Chapter 4 of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" focused on marketing in Facebook. I have never used Facebook and did not know how someone could promote their business products. The extent on advertising on Facebook that I knew of was how Facebook poked into the user's personal data to create personal advertisements based on websites the user had visited. It is much more reassuring that business can promote themselves in ways that do not harm the user's privacy. After learning what platforms of social media could be used for advertising, I did expect more marketing success on Facebook. However, I did not expect that it would be so successful that 96% of businesses reported Facebook as being the most successful for their income.  Some of the suggestions of how to craft a successful Facebook post for businesses surprised me. I did not know that GIFs themselves could be posts. I had always seen GIFs as comments based on a user’s reaction to a post. I feel that the

Navigating Moodle

My Moodle home page from the 2021 school year The website called Moodle is being used by Ohio Northern University for students to track their different aspects of their classes. There are different pages for different classes. Once you click on your class' page, there will be sections to the left linking you to either a certain week of the school semester or they could be used to label different sections for class work, such as a section for in class activities or a section to drop off homework.  When submitting homework, click on the box with the icon of a paper and blue arrow titled as your assignment. Once in a new section, scroll down to the orange "Add Submission" and click it to get access to submit a file of your assignment. Once submitted, you may not see that the submission has been made right away when looking at assignments from you Moodle home page, but as long as you double check, there is no need to worry. Viewing your grades on tests from Moodle can be tric

Podcast Project: Buying Social Media Followers

  URL to podcast:   The show notes for this podcast are as follows: - Buying followers is dishonest, yet effective. - Buying followers is legal despite the questionable ethics. - Information from Instagram marketing associate concerning purchasing followers. - GOMI’s founder states how the ability to buy followers harms companies who sponsor influencers. - Other users do not see buying followers as a black and white act depending on intent.  - What do the listeners think about buying followers?

S.M.A.R.T. Goals Applied To Textbook Example

My layout of S.M.A.R.T Goals In section four of chapter three in Essentials of Social Media Marketing , the textbook briefly discusses using the concept of S.M.A.R.T Goals. The textbook defines the acronym as Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. The textbook directs S.M.A.R.T Goals to cover social media marketing, but applies itself to smaller goals in the marketing process in general. It states that S.M.A.R.T Goals can be used to obtain more people to visit a company's website by including a call to action in the posts to visit the website. However, the textbook does not display how to use each element of the S.M.A.R.T Goals to obtain this result. Here is how I would map out the S.M.A.R.T Goals based on the goal of wanting more people to visit a website from the company's social media marketing. Specific: This element can be the subject of the goal. In this case, the company wants more costumers to visit their website based on what the customers have see

Managing Your Mail

First of all, mastering how to open your mailbox at Ohio Northern, a P.O. box, is no easy task. Having to search online how to open them with instructions from another university was quite taxing, so I'll save you the trouble: Your combination should be three numbers. To start, turn the dial left (counterclockwise) at least four time, stopping the dial at your first number. Then, turn the dial to the right (clockwise) passing your first number and stopping at your second number. Turn the dial left (counterclockwise) stopping at your third number. To finally open it, turn your dial right while pulling it and it should open. It will probably take a few tries so don't be discouraged. When you shut your P.O. box, turn the dial left and right randomly to lock it again.  My P.O. box at Ohio Northern University So, now you have your letters. But what about your packages?  When ordering something, use the second address line to add your P.O. box. Simply enter "Unit [P.O. box numbe

Comparing My LinkedIn Page To The Textbook's Guidance

As mentioned in my post about social media usage, I use LinkedIn to find professionals and companies in my career interests. While I was reading section three in chapter two of Essentials of Social Media and Marketing , I was interested in how their LinkedIn guide compared to my page and the choices I made. Here are some similarities and differences when it comes to LinkedIn.       The top of my LinkedIn page Something I highly disagree on when it comes to the profile picture shown in the textbook is that the woman is looking straight ahead. This makes her an easy target of identity theft, a common crime on LinkedIn. Instead, a picture of your head at a slightly different angle has both the same professional intent and provides security. For my profile picture, I used a formal yearbook photo where the photographer instructed me to slightly tilt and turn my head.  I have not placed a cover photo. The cover photo LinkedIn provides is a blue-grey circle pattern. I plan on keeping this aut