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Discovering Marketing On Facebook

Chapter 4 of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" focused on marketing in Facebook. I have never used Facebook and did not know how someone could promote their business products. The extent on advertising on Facebook that I knew of was how Facebook poked into the user's personal data to create personal advertisements based on websites the user had visited. It is much more reassuring that business can promote themselves in ways that do not harm the user's privacy.

After learning what platforms of social media could be used for advertising, I did expect more marketing success on Facebook. However, I did not expect that it would be so successful that 96% of businesses reported Facebook as being the most successful for their income. 

Some of the suggestions of how to craft a successful Facebook post for businesses surprised me. I did not know that GIFs themselves could be posts. I had always seen GIFs as comments based on a user’s reaction to a post. I feel that the use of GIFs in advertising would be most helpful to food related business. These GIFs could show how a certain food or drink is made and how unique the product is based on what it includes or how many steps it takes to complete the food or drink.

It made sense to me to use a minimal number of hashtags. I believe that three is a suitable number of hashtags in a business’ post. It might be difficult to make your hashtags not too cheesy and yet make the hashtags relevant enough for the post to gain more views. I personally stereotype Facebook’s age demographic to be middle aged adults. Hashtags might not make sense to some of the users, so businesses should keep their hashtags as closely related to their products as possible.


  1. I have also always been skeptical of how much personal information Facebook knows. However after being on the business side and using insights it is actually very helpful. Knowing information about users helps you better target your ads and create content users are interested in. However, with all that said it is still important to be conscious of what information you put out there.


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